Why I do Yoga

Yoga Anywhere, Anytime Yoga is stretching. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement; however, it is so much more! I am sure that there are oodles of blogs, books, videos and presentations on this subject, but I would like to share my own personal experiences. These are in no particular order,[…]

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Motivation & Inspiration

Motivation & Inspiration

Not really sure about the details, but after 20 years, a friend from highschool and I reconnected through social media. We ended up having some personal conversations about some of the up’s and downs in our lives. We both had gone through divorce, financial struggles and both had experienced an[…]

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The New CK Beauty

No, not referring to Calvin Klein (that’s a whole different ball game). Rather that, true Beauty is already in everyone, but it’s when Confidence and Kindness are both at their ultimate levels, that’s when the light shines the brightest. Watching Amy Schumer in “I Feel Pretty” is a perfect example,[…]

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Being your Authentic Self

Don’t you just love when someone says “Just be yourself”? They are trying to help you but the vision in their their heads is how THEY would behave in a similar situation. Which, unless you are fortunate enough to be a twin, this advice is not entirely ideal to propel[…]

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