What is Best, for Me?

Each and every person is unique!

We each have are own frequency that we can tune into in order to find the best possible scenario for every moment of our lives. But what makes a community is finding others that have a similar wavelength or even an opposing yet complementary potential that creates learning and growth.

It is important to recognize the difference between struggling due to a new challenging opportunity versus an obstacle that is signaling to us that there is a better alternative scene.

Our lives are time and space and everything in between. We are in control, yet we always need guidance. Whether choosing to do a sequence of momentum moments alone or deciding to get help by listening to our deep intuitive senses, there is a best choice that creates joy and an electric Energy.

This Energy is impossible to describe in any way to anyone other than our true being; but in trying to accomplish this task of sharing, that’s how we find our companions along the way.

A friend of mine is interested in a more heathy lifestyle. He is interested in eating properly, and more effective excercise, with the ultimate goal of losing weight. I am certainly not an expert on any of these things but I do know what gives me a feeling of rejuvenation. So, I mentioned things I do regularly such as:

  • yoga
  • portioning food combinations into 2 cup glass jars
  • stepping over a cable that crosses one of my frequently used hallways
  • biking
  • hiking
  • lifting my 13lb cat often for kisses and hugs

I have found my groove and he will eventually find his.

It’s all about trying new things. Practicing and adjusting to what is best for our own unique selves. For example, yoga is an ancient practice and has a multitude of different types. It can be what you want and need, you just need to keep searching for your perfect practice. For a run down of the nomenclature and descriptions, here is a good resource from Metro to help with your exploration.

All in all, find what makes you happy, excited and don’t worry about what others are doing to find harmonious scenarios in their own lives. Just be willing to listen, share, and appreciate that we are all special beings!