Have you ever just felt like the luckiest person? Or, that coincidences happen to you all the time?
These moments are the result of amazing Teamwork. It’s You, working together with the Universe, Devine Love, Guides, Angels, Saints, Loved Ones, Mentor of Positive Energies… whatever you call that “Essence”. You are allowing your greatest good and potential to flow in the current towards a place of inner peaceful success!
Like in a canoe, it’s awesome and exhilarating when the wind is at your back. You are the Power Energy, you are the wind. If you try to stand in the way of your Team in the canoe, the journey becomes more difficult for all. But in this situation, you are outnumbered. That Team will continue to trudge forward no matter how hard you huff and puff. You’ll eventually burn out, give in, and hop on-board. And when you are well rested, you will want to give more. You are excited and you get behind the Team and join that forward momentum with twice as much gusto than when you were stubbornly trying to launch your self-inflicted acts of resistance.
Perhaps when we think we need to resist our Team, we have a good excuse. But often the logistical reasons don’t even come close to the higher potential of the unreasonable and natural progression of that “Je ne sais quoi”! That feeling, the inkling, the shivers and those secret smirks… That, is where you need to trust, and activate your Love and Positive Energies.
We have to be our Team’s most enthusiastic cheerleader. Because really, nobody else can see, feel or understand your Team. They only see their own or choose not to acknowledge them all together. That being said, everyone’s Team is proprietary and specially customized, uniquely Yours!
One of the ways to get behind Your Team, is to admit to yourself what you think you want and need. Then, ask Your Team if anyone would “second the notion”. If you get a unanimous “nay”. I suggest you take some time to find understanding in this. Perhaps it’s not really what you want and you have to visualize that it could actually happen. And yes, I love puns and the use of clichés, so “Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it”. However, when there’s a unanimous “Yay”, it’s magical, everything falls perfectly into place.
The difficulties often lie in a mixture of agreement, neutrality and disagreements. It’s not that we shouldn’t move forward, but move with caution, awareness and attention. Just because we set out on a bit of an unknown trail, it’s still an Adventure and we can always get back to the clearly marked path. But safety first! If we get too far off, there is the potential to get lost. The first rule of hiking is “Always have a partner, but if that’s not possible, make sure someone knows when and where to expect your appearance”.
In order to define what you truly want and need, you can merely think about it. But for me, I get distracted and sometimes other mundane thoughts come into my head. You need to think AND feel with your whole self using your Mind, Body and Spirit. Your Team will receive these messages whichever way you decide to communicate. But honestly, we are all human (some more Super than others) and we can be fickle, forgetful, moody and completely dynamic. So, in order to have a plan, it’s best to write these ideas down. But if we really want to embed meaning, emotion and deep rooted feelings, start a personal vision board, or scrapbook. I am definitely old-school; the idea of cutting, pasting and colouring is my idea of fun. But I recognize that I have my own special quirky ideas that probably don’t resonate with the larger majority. So use you voice recorder, digital file or even Pinterest (just be cautious of public access and visibility).
You and Your Team are always moving toward the greater good of your highest potential, no matter what, how or why. When it’s unexplainably perfect, that is the “YAY” expressed through the SYNCHRONIZATION of Actions, Things, Feelings, People and Situations that you are attracting.