
Julie Noordhoek certainly likes to abide by Jules’ rules. It all started when her father started calling her “Rebel Jules” after being accused, along with some girlfriends, of trying to escape out of the window at the Chateaux Frontenac, during her Grade 8 field trip. This of course, was not the case, the screen merely popped out while trying to get a clear photo of the view… at the very moment that the French teacher came to the door. C’est la vie!

She moved to Toronto from a one stoplight town, which was jaw-dropping when telling fellow classmates at Ryerson. Definitely a major culture shock for the country girl, but she soon adapted to life in the big city.

Yet, deep down, the call of nature and sense of Community kept calling. After moving to Ottawa, then back to Toronto, she has finally settled (to some degree) in the Royal City.

Julie is a Volunteer with the Guelph Hiking Trail Club, a member of a Girls’ Fun group and is an Independent Arbonne Consultant. All the while, working in the Marketing Communications industry. And having Happy and Positive momentum along the way.

Seemingly, an advid adventurer who appears fearless, strives to conquer each task with vigor and determination in order to get to that point. Julie is very sensitive yet passionate about her life’s journey and the Villagers she meets.


Company Name

Jules N Joules is “Julie Noordhoek and Power Energy”

Power just means Energy flow per unit time.
The unit of Energy is the “Joule”.

Anyone who does talk about energy rarely speaks in Joules.

Source: Calgary Unix Users