Her Flowers Revealed

It’s a rainy Sunday afternoon in the middle of April. Of course, this is a great time to go for a walk!

Even though it was actually light jacket and fair weather over the last couple of days, today was a winter jacket, scarf, brimmed hat and gloves kind of day (with a top layer rain jacket for extra protection). I always dress appropriately for my own comfort; no matter what I look like to others.

Going for a walk is my moving mediation. Usually with a destination in mind, I head out in a particular direction but then go on an adventure regarding the route. Sometimes it’s a familiar path, sometimes I find roads and trails that I have never experienced. The exciting part is to notice the beauty in everything. It can be overwhelming if you take in too much all at once. However, if you slowly focus your Energies on your body, an amazing peace can infuse you with smiling calmness. Start with feeling and understanding your physical and living connection to the earth, let your recognition move up your legs, into your core, doing a circuit past your linked hands and out through the top of your head.

This is a great way to unburden your body, mind and spirit. A presence in nature to allow appreciation to flow in and out. As you breathe in and out, you are communicating with all of your surroundings. From purely natural, to hand-made, to machine-made, there are wonders to absorb and observe.

After this initial investment in gratitude, we are welcome to have an opinion about all that we see and feel. But should a negative reaction occur, take time to reflect. It this something that you wish to take on and own? Is there a situation you experienced that you can enhance? If not, accept what you think and feel and only take what you can carry.

Your life is a backpack. If your observations and interactions are too heavy, you end up getting stuck. However, if your pack is empty, you may move too quickly in the search for perfection; thus, missing the hidden gems along the way.

Every day needs balance. Every moment needs gratitude and everyone needs people and nature. We are all connected. 

When walking in the Spring rain, I am thankful for the flowers and life that is awakening and refreshed.