Seeing, Hearing & Feeling Beauty

“Tell us about your last big Adventure”. This was actually an interview question that stumped me! Not because I didn’t have any to talk about, but on the contrary, I needed time to really think about the definition of “big”.

Is it the distance traveled to a destination? The amount of money, time and effort spent on an excursion? In my opinion, that just means “What did you participate in that caused a whole lot of stress?”.

In my life, every task, destination, outing, inning, every moment of every day is an Adventure. I came to this realization when I accompanied two friends on a trip to Ottawa. These ladies had trained together for roughly five months, to walk a marathon. We arrived at the designated Recreation Centre and once their registration was complete, an administrator pointed to the door and told them that they could start any time. I guess there was a misunderstanding on my friends’ part. When they started this journey, deciding to do a marathon in Ottawa (likely one night after several glasses of wine), they presumed it was “The Ottawa Race”; which we soon discovered was in May, and at present, they were five months too late.

With looks of disappointment, they headed off on an anticipated 7hr walk. I was not actually there to participate along side them. I was there for moral support, but it soon became clear that, more than ever, they needed me at the finish line. So, I set out towards my own set of activities. My main goal was to have a version of medals to commemorate their accomplishment.

This was about a year before I ended up moving to Ottawa, so the territory was unfamiliar. Actually, I seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, nothing compared to Toronto. No stores, restaurants, barely anyone even around. So, without a plan, I started off on my scavenging Adventure.

I ended up walking towards an inlet of water where boats were parked, a small marina. Some looked as though they were already closed for the coming season and others, holding out for one last ripping ride out on the Ottawa River. As I began to walk around on this beautiful Fall day, I started to notice the rhythmic sound of the waves. It was very pleasant. Then, I focused on the clank of a flag pole chain, also with its own beat. And little by little, I could hear all of the individual sounds and when put all together, it was an absolutely amazing orchestra. It dawned on me that with no one else around, I was receiving my own private concert. It was slightly overwhelming and even now, almost a decade later, I am a bit teary-eyed thinking about that moment’s momentum. I remember the warmth of the bright sun, and the water shimmering like diamonds. The breeze, that not only made my hair twist up, but lifted the tied tarps, flapped the flags and rustling the leaves. Such excitement!

After some time, I continued on my exploration. I walked and walked probably grabbing a bite to eat back at the Rec Centre. But still hadn’t devised anything regarding the finish line medals. So, I ended up heading off in another direction. I came to a really big hill and decided to conquer it. When I got to the top, it was like finally seeing “White Castle”. A Shoppers Drug Mart was in view at the bottom. I was able to get shoelaces, round pacifier clips, “Way-to-Go!” and “You Did It!” stickers and a Sharpie so that I could write the date and distance.

And at the 6.5 hr mark, I went to the finish line with the medals in hand. Soon after, my friends rounded the corner. I whoo-ted and cheered and they had big smiles as they picked up the pace and finished with an awesome set of vigor. Hugs and tears all around!!

The world is busy, but it’s also quiet and serene, and when you start to be conscious of your purpose, nature and people around you, you will see, hear and feel the Beauty; the Love.