The New CK Beauty

No, not referring to Calvin Klein (that’s a whole different ball game). Rather that, true Beauty is already in everyone, but it’s when Confidence and Kindness are both at their ultimate levels, that’s when the light shines the brightest.

Watching Amy Schumer in “I Feel Pretty” is a perfect example, when she has Confidence, people are attracted to her. But, she realizes that something just isn’t right. She’s lost touch with her best girlfriends, there’s temptation of another man and then she seems to stoop so low down after riding her dream wave of being one of the beauties, that there’s a possibility that she might not recover, even to the level of where she started. But then her Kindness is sparked and aligned with regained Confidence and she is radiant!

We alone have the Power for accomplishing positive beautiful change but we need not forget our humble beginnings, how we got here and where we are going. I was feeling down and my confidence levels were drooping. I was looking for the right job, but when asked by each next potential employer “What have you been doing since your last big Marketing job”, I told my story and shame would take over me in its entirety.

I accepted a Volunteer role with a local Community club. I figured, if I can’t get the job I want, I might as well give my talents to the people who need me. And just DO something. And as the bill pile started to rise, I did the one thing that I had control over, in order to make an income. I started my own business.

This idea had been suggested to me many times, which I let sit on the back burner. In no way could I see myself as an Entrepreneur. Probably for the Fear of Failure. Yep, there they are, those two ugly “F-words”. However, something finally clicked, some friends came to me with the Opportunity to start a Health and Wellness company. Basically promoting and sharing lifestyle choices that I was already practicing myself. And with the idea that I could only go up, I dove in!!

This feeling of taking control of my financial situation, mixed with ramping up my social networking skills and being aware of giving my whole self, added Love through Healthy mind, body and spirit activities, I became the Beautiful person I once knew.

As kids, we go around and do what makes us happy. So, that’s what I am doing… crafts, exercise, writing, spa days and just being My True Self. And it worked!! I feel more connected to my Family, Friends and even feel more attractive to my Boyfriend.

An acquaintance spoke about how there are different levels of smiling; he was a bit of an expert on this subject, since he was a photographer. “At the lowest, is the mouth smile, but when people include their eyes, you can really feel the moment”. Then he turned to me, and in front of the rest of the small group, he announced, “Now, when Julie here truly smiles, it starts from her belly-button and you not only are in the moment, you are within her entire Energy field”. Wow, that was quite the statement.